Since moving to Raleigh, where the seafood is readily available, I have been making variations on this recipe. Here I am using clams, but you can use mussels too.
When you purchase the clams, you must put them in cold water for approx 2 hours total. You need to take the clams out of the water and put into a new container with cold water 4 times in the 2 hours. This allows the clams to clean themselves by sifting clean water through them and getting rid of the sand.
For 2 people you will need:
20 clams
2 cups white wine
2 cloves of garlic - diced
1 shallot - diced
2 tbls butter
1 tbls flat italian parsley - diced
1 tbls of fresh chives - thinly sliced
1/2 a baguette
pinch sea salt - i like maldon
1 tsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp crushed red pepper
In a medium saucepan (one that will hold all of your clams) melt 1/2 the butter and add garlic and shallots over medium heat. Cook until softened. Add the clams and the red pepper - allow to simmer for 30 sec, then add wine, turn to high heat and cover. After approx 3 min. take the lid off to check. If the clams haven't opened, cover and wait until they have. Once the clams have opened, remove clams (clams only) and put into 2 bowls. Add herbs to saucepan and cook for 1 minute over high heat. Turn the heat off and add remaining butter, lemon juice, and salt to taste. Stir until the butter is melted and pour that mixture onto clams. Serve with toasted baguette.
You should serve this with an extra bowl to put the empty clams in.