For the garnish (mint gremolata):
2 oz extra virgin olive oil
1 T finely sliced parsley
1 T finely sliced mint
1 red chili seeded and diced
1 tsp orange zest
salt & pepper
Just mix the above together and set aside.
For the stew:
(you'll use these ingredients first)
1 dutch oven with a lid
2 beef shanks
2.5 T flour
1 T paprika
2 oz extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper
(you'll use these ingredients second)
5 carrots rough chopped
2 celery branch diced
3 red beets .5 inch cubes
1 chunk of fresh horse radish the size of my little finger
1 red and 1 yellow onion diced
5 parsnips rough chopped
(you'll use these ingredients third)
1 head of garlic peeled
4 T paprika
1 T dried onion flake
1 tsp mace
salt & pepper
1 T finely chopped orange zest
2 bay leaves
5 peeled and seeded plum tomatoes
juice of an orange
3 T chopped flat parsley
2 tsp fresh thyme
2 tsp fresh rosemary
1 qt chicken or beef stock
Cooking Steps
Start by dredging the shanks in flour and paprika then sear them until they are nice and brown. Next remove the beef, turn the heat to low and add the chopped veggies. Sweat them until all the brown bits from the beef shanks come loose from the pan.
Now add the next twelve ingredients. Stir until the spices are completely mixed in bring the pot to a simmer return the beef shanks and add your stock. Put the lid on and put it in the oven on 250ยบ. The stew should cook for about 3.5 hours. Take a look every hour or so... add a bit of water if the stew looks to thick. Once the meat is tender and almost falling from the bone remove the pot from the oven. Now take the beef shanks out pull the meat from the bone, pop out the marrow and remove the connective tissue. Put the meat and marrow back in the pot, give it a stir and check your seasoning.
Finally put some of the stew in a bowl add a spoon of the mint gremolata and serve with some crusty bread.
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