Sunday, February 14, 2010

working in london

I was in London this January and had the pleasure to work at Le Cafe Anglais. I ate a lot of good food there the best of which was the parmesan custard with anchovy toast. They have two large rotisseries there that you can use to roast large pieces of meat or hang smaller things like a single steak or small bird. It was a great experience for me.... really opening my eyes to a different type of food. Not that the recipes or techniques varied much from what I'm used to but the ingredients available were very different.

Most notably at the farmers markets where you can only buy items which have been "grown, raised, baked, caught, shot or made by hand by the people selling it". The markets have rules guaranteeing that everything is sold by the farmer who grew it. Here are some examples of whats available...

game birds of all types (grouse, woodcock, mallard, etc.)
all sorts of lovely local cheeses
a variety of cured meats and sausage
artisanal breads and pasties
nice local veggies

and of course a wide variety of different seafood (langoustine, scallops with their coral, red mullet, fresh sardines and the list goes on...)
Like I said awesome food to be had.

Here are a few pics from Cafe Anglais.....
and here are some from the Borough market...

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